Appeal to European Commission and the EU’s member governments

The EU’s member governments, European Commission

On behalf of the citizens of Russia, we address you to express our deep concern regarding the FAQ on the restrictions of the Export of Goods from Russia, published on September 8th.

One particular issue of utmost concern is the ban on the use of private vehicles by Russians when crossing EU borders. According to the FAQ, the use of private cars is classified as an export of prohibited goods. Some Russian citizens have already experienced the seizure of their vehicles at German ports, and the retrieval of these cars has necessitated long and arduous legal procedures.

The explanations provided by the European Commission not only fail to address this problem but also extend the ban to a wide range of other personal goods. We have encountered divergent opinions in seeking legal advice; furthermore, it remains to be seen how these rules will be implemented in practice.

The primary objective of Western sanctions against Russia is to curb the financial ability of the Putin regime to wage war. However, the export of cars from Russia does not contribute to this goal since the Russian automobile industry has virtually halted production in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Cars currently manufactured in Russia do not comply with EU technical regulations and cannot be used in European countries.

The prohibition on the use of personal vehicles by Russian citizens, which is often the only means of leaving Russia for those opposed to the regime’s aggressive war, causes significant inconvenience. Personal cars are essential for many Russian journalists seeking refuge in European countries and working to maintain the independent Russian-language media.

Furthermore, the aforementioned document inadvertently aligns with Putin’s propaganda, which portrays the West as hostile not only to his regime, but to all Russian citizens.

In light of the above, we urge you to reconsider the recommendations and decisions made at the national level and establish a clear distinction between goods for personal use and commercial goods, thereby allowing Russians to import goods for personal use into EU countries. This will reduce ambiguity and ensure simplicity and transparency in the implementation of these restrictions.

We hope for your understanding and are prepared to cooperate with you in resolving this situation for the benefit of both Russian and EU citizens.

Russian Anti-war Committee
